Friday, August 2, 2013

some preggo exercises

Thought I'd make a lil post of some preggo exercises to help keep some tone on my ever growing body!








Saturday, May 11, 2013


OMG!  it really happened!  and it is kind of a funny story...  i had missed my period, but i really wasnt too worried, b/c they have been super irregular since going off of birth control.  averaging around 35 days... so on day 38, i took a pregnancy test... negative... so i thought ok nothing to worry about this month... well 2 more weeks go by and still no HELLO from mother nature...  i still thought maybe i just skipped a period, b/c i have gone 70 days before without one...  

so i am sitting at work, and my supervisor, (who has some crazy 6th sense) looks at me out of nowhere, and says, I have a feeling about you... and i am curious, so i ask what is it?... she replies you are pregnant arent you?... my reply after a 5 second pause and a dumbfounded look, "not that i know of."  so i call my husband on my way home from work and tell him i will be a few minutes late b/c i need to stop and pick up another pregnancy test...   sure enough 5 min later... positive pregnancy test!!!   OMG! it really happened.  

after several minutes of starring at each other just clueless. we laugh, we cry, we kiss and we try to grasp the idea of being parents in 8 to 9 months!   craziness.

so this blog is about my journey through a fit and healthy pregnancy.     I am guessing that I am about 6 weeks along, i called and have an appt with my Dr on Friday, they will do an ultrasound and hopefully determine a due date.   i really want to be healthy for the baby... but i also don't want to gain any unnecessary pounds.  so if you followed my other blog, you will know that my starting weight is around 115 lbs.   a healthy pregnancy should gain 25 to 35 lbs. so  here is to hoping i stay healthy and grow a healthy baby!!